
District Development Model (DDM) Simulation Tool

The DDM Simulator platform is a decision support tool that will analyze and model the impact likely to be realized in a particular district through different intervention commitments. In other words the platform provides a mechanism through which projects can be entered and their impact on various output levels can be tested through simulation. The outputs relate to specific high-level and medium to longer terms outcomes that government seeks to achieve.

The DDM Simulator Platform

The DDM Simulator Platform can model the impact of planned and existing DDM projects on:

  • Socio-economic circumstances.
  • Economic growth and development, including job creation (short and long term) and skills development implications.
  • Basic service delivery access to water, energy, sanitation, roads, education, and health care.

Simulation tool

DDM Simulation Tool

Please be aware that the simulation tool is very big and it may take a while to open!

Click to Open the tool in a new tab

Data Requests

For requests or discussions on the dataset please contact:




Gerbrand Mans

(021) 841 2552


Johan Maritz

(012) 841 2928


Kathryn Arnold

(012) 841 3269


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